Hi everyone. I am newbie to this UR Platform.
I want to change the color at local atmosphere based on Temperature valua, such as inside houses, rooms, …
Are there any support from Unreal Engine for that ? I’m using version 5.0.
If not, any tricks or tips would be really appreciated.
Thanks for any help. Have a nice realistic Unreal :)))
Could you explain a bit more about what you mean with temperature? The look of the scene is done by placing Post Process Volumes. You can add multiple volumes. The settings are applied if the player camera is within this volume. Have a look at the documentation. Link is in the top menu of this page.
Hi @S-Dot , Thanks for your reply !
Here I mean, the atmosphere space of each room or each house will change based on temperature value. It can be blue for cold and red for hot.
Look forward to hear more for you.
You can do that with post process volumes covering each of the houses or rooms. There are settings like temperature in the volumes settings. It’s explained in the link above.
Thanks @S-Dot !
It works. The only problem now I got is It only apply when I move camera inside the volume. I know that Post process apply on the scene and Volume is just for enable/disable the effect.
So, Is there any way to apply the same effect and can be seen from outside ?
No, not that way. Post process only works for the player camera. So the player needs to be inside the volume for the effect to happen. If you want that to be visible from the outside you would need to make a fog plane (semi translucent plane) in the door or any other visual effect that could be seen from the outside.