Hi I wanted to ask how do you switch between two characters in game on cue, example you have one main actor and you have a AI im working on, if that main actor is killed (cue) I wont it to switch to that AI and then play a matinee I know how to make it where both of them are alive and you can press a button to switch same if both of the were alive . On cue I need it were it switchs to that AI not buttons but cues.
Somewhere your character gets the Damage that sets the health or something. At the end of this line you have to make a check if the HP <= 0. Then Branch and if true, call the Die event. And put in the Die event what you have right now at the button press. (If that’s what you’ve been asking)
lets say the main actor is killed by an enemy AI instead of going to the last spawn point I need it to switch which is the cue to the other player and that player will kill the enemy I got the death scene just need it where I can switch to the other player oh thanks for replying to:)
Not by buttons on trigger
Thanks man helped me alot
Hey do you have a youtube channel if so if you have any time could you make a video on this I would real appreciate it