How to change category of custom event in details panel?

I have found that I can group my public variables nicely in the details/editor panel of my blueprint actor by changing the “category” field of the variable properties. However, I can’t seem to find a way to set the category for a custom event created in the blueprint. When I expose the events to the editor they show up in the details panel under “Default” and I can’t find any way to change this. Does anyone know how to do this or if this is possible?

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You mean custom events like this?

I’m not sure what you mean about the Default category as custom events are not associated with any sort of categorization as far as I know.

But you can make multiple Event Graphs with custom names, just in case you weren’t aware.

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Thank you, you confirmed what I suspected. I was afraid I was missing something.

I had wanted to connect some events to the editor UI (details panel) in a way that was more organized than dumping everything in “Default”. What I ended up doing is not exposing events but mapping functions to call the events. I had avoided this since I was relying on the async capabilities of events, but it’s a workaround that works for now.

one thing that is hard to find that is helpful is the ’ | ’ operator.

You can make subcategories usings it like “Appearance | Parameters”

which will result in:
your function goes here

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You can trigger the custom event in a function, and since functions can be placed in categories this will clean up your Details pannel. Just check call in editor on the function and you get the exact same thing.