How to change between multiple Input Mapping Contexts?

Hi, I’m kinda new in Unreal Engine 5 and I want to change between multiple input mapping contexts when I possess another character.

I already create differents Inputs Actions and assign them to two differents Inputs Mapping Contexts.

I have two blueprints characters and I want to switch between them whith the idea of having different inputs


And for that I’m using Possess in the Level Blueprint.


But that only changes the blueprints, not the inputs.

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look in the example third or first person. They assign a mapping context on begin play. You can just copy paste those couple nodes to do the same thing.

One confusing thing though is that multiple mapping context can be active simultaneously. They have a priority that you can assign. But you might want for only one to be active. In that case, you may want to use Remove Mapping Context:


Thanks for your help.

Now I figure it out that I haven’t done another configuration in the Player Mappable Input Config.

I just need to add the new input mapping context to the Player Mappable Input Config that I created.

Now I can access to all of the mapping context!



Hello @IArriagada!
How can you change mapping context with a Player Mappable Input Config?