Hello @SupportiveEntity, I might be wrong here, but it seems that unfortunately, the resources mentioned in the thread you have shared with me do not contain any information on the topic. Just a vague list of nodes and their inputs, without any information as to what those inputs do.
Here is an image of that:
There does not seem to be any information on changing the method, just the quality of what you are using.
The post below it mentions “EAntiAliasingMethod”, but unfortunately it does not appear to be a feature for 5.3, as the documentation page for it shows the following when I select my engine version:
It is very possible that I have missed something, I tend to glance over things, unfortunately. Nonetheless, I was unable to clearly find an answer to that which I seek.
Update to this post: I only just now noticed “r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing”, though I can’t find the documentation page for it… The best thing I could find was this post in the forums, but I would much rather trust documentation for my current engine version than a post talking about a much older engine version.
Second Update: I have also found a Chinese website that seems to say the same, but for UE5. It does however mention that post-processing volumes can overwrite it, which makes me wonder if this is only done when the volume has an explicit AA mode selected, or if this is always done (and I must therefore prepare a blueprint to overwrite all post-processing volumes when a level loads to ensure they match the player’s choice in the settings window).
Third Update: Turns out the help command generates documentation, if it is to be trusted (I know from experience that code auto-gen documentation can’t always be trusted to be updated, and may fall behind over the years), then it should work.
I assume I ought to combine this with r.PostProcessAAQuality based on the scalability settings documentation… I’ll give it a try and update this post if this works.