how to change actor class default in about object in editor?

Hello everybody. Is there any analogy of the Instanced modifier for the actor? I used it to change the class defaults of the Actor component but it does not work on the actor, are there any options for how to change the class defaults of the actor from another object?

I don’t understand the question. Are you trying to change the class of an actor at run time? If so, that doesn’t sound possible.

Might be able to help if I had a better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish.

I want to change the actor to something like this is done with the help of the instanced modifier

it’s don’t working with actor’s

It’s a bit out of my depth, but from what I understand about instanced assets/modifiers is that whatever you are instancing is loaded into memory once. Then multiple things can reference that instance without needing to do any additional loading or recreation.

I’m not 100% sure what you are trying to accomplish, but my assumption is you are trying to share something across all your actors? in which case maybe look into how to implement a singleton, or some static/global property?