how to change actor attach socket when actor is already attached to the same player

i have attached a spear to my player, after that i change the spear from normal attack socket to fire[throwing] socket. but when i detach the spear from the player, it changes its transform from the fire socket to the normal attack socket, which means a transform snap in one frame.

do i have to call some special functions while changing socket at the same player?

Hi @老子爱叫啥就叫啥 How are you?

Which EAttachmentRule are you using when attaching the spear to the fire socket? Have you tried using “Snap To Target”?

i’m sorry, i have found that i re-attach the spear to player bone just after it is fired. but to the first socket, so it’s position is reset to the first socket.

this is a app logic error.

thank u