How to change a text depending of a float value

Hi everyone!

I have a really fast question (I think) that I’m struggling a bit with.
I’m developing an architechtural visualization app and I just need to Print a text in the UMG that says PM or AM depending on the value of a variable I control.
I’m just struggling with how to make the function. I have it like this:

This is the binding function to the text content I wanna change.
When the <=1199 boolean is true, I wanna get the text to show ‘‘AM’’, and when it’s >=1200 just show ‘‘PM’’.
I think that probably it’s quite easy but I’m struggling a bit with it.

Thank you so much!

Delete the >= 1200 node.

Drag a wire from your Noon/ AfterNoon text pin out to the left and type “Select”.
In the select Text node that appears drag a wire from the red pin on the 1199 node to the select pin. This will give you two pins on the selext node: True and False.

Now you can type in AM on the True pin and PM on the False pin.
