How to change a car to a character?

Hello everybody! I’m a beginner, and I ask you not to judge strictly! in my level, I made a cutscene, which is triggered when the trigger is crossed by the car (the character is driving in the car). at the end of the cutscene, I want the character to appear in a new place and control it. but it fails me. If we remake the logic so that the character would cross the trigger box himself and after that the logic would be reproduced, then everything works and upon completion I can play with the same character, but from a new point. How do I switch after completing the cutscene from car to character? I attach a logik, in which everything works but without switching (I control the character before and after the cutscene).

you need to “possess” the other pawn from your player controller. Possessing Pawns | Unreal Engine Documentation

Do you know how to possess without taking control using blueprints? :slight_smile:

what is then the point of possessing? Is it not included in the word itself? :slight_smile: what would you like to do?