how to change 2d side-scroller template camera location?

hello, i’m trying to set the location of the default camera for the 2d side-scroller template in the -100 X axis, to let the camara be far away from the player but i can’t figure out how to do it.

i already tried using “add relative location” and “set relative location” node at the begin play event from the player pawn, but that don’t make any change of the position of the camera.

also i have modified the x value on the blueprint side, the camera change it’s position, but when i tried the game on PIE the camera is still in it’s original location.

can somebody help me to change the camera location of the 2d side scroller template ?

thank you in advance for all the help.

If you use the basic settings, to change the distance, select sideviewcameracomponent (components, on the left) and in camera settings (details, on the right), under orthographic projection mode, modify ortho width. If you want to use the camera boom, then remove orthographic and use perspective instead.

thank you for the help Fen, that worked just perfect.