Hello. I have an animation blueprint. I want to create a widget and change animation blueprint variables with using widget slider. I need to cast to animation to do that .
Casting an Animation Blueprint from a Widget in Unreal Engine involves several steps, as the Widget and Animation Blueprint are different types of assets. You typically don’t directly “cast” between them, but you might communicate between the Widget Blueprint and the Animation Blueprint using references or events.
Here’s a general guideline on how you might approach this:
Create a Variable in Widget Blueprint:
In your Widget Blueprint, create a variable that will hold a reference to the Actor or Character that owns the Animation Blueprint. This assumes that the Animation Blueprint is associated with an Actor or Character in your scene.
Assign Reference in Widget Blueprint:
When you create or show the Widget (e.g., when the Widget is constructed or displayed), set the variable created in step 1 to reference the Actor or Character that has the Animation Blueprint.
Communication from Widget to Animation Blueprint:
You can then use custom events or functions in your Animation Blueprint that are called from the Widget Blueprint. The reference you stored in the variable can be used to call these events or functions.
Here’s a simplified example in visual form:
In your Widget Blueprint:
unrealCopy code
// Widget Blueprint
// Create a variable to store a reference to the owning Actor or Character
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Animation")
class AYourCharacterOrActorClass* AnimationOwner;
// Assign the reference when the Widget is created or shown
Event Construct:
AnimationOwner = GetOwningPlayerPawn<AYourCharacterOrActorClass>();
// Call an event or function in the Animation Blueprint
Custom Event MyAnimationEvent:
// Check if the reference is valid before calling
if (IsValid(AnimationOwner))
AnimationOwner->MyAnimationEventInCharacter(); // Call a function in the Animation Blueprint
In your Animation Blueprint:
unrealCopy code
// Animation Blueprint
// Create a custom event or function
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Animation")
void MyAnimationEventInCharacter()
// Your logic here