How to "cast to" a specific npc that is duplicated

Im having a bunch of NPC running around and when they get hit with an overlap from my character, they start doing an event.

I need the overlap not to retrigger unless a specific function inside the NPC has been achived.
When i only had one npc it was fine but when i copy it, it triggers all of my npc´s on “begin overlap” and i cant figure out how to use “get all actor of class” to only trigger the one copy that is overlapping?

How do i trigger the specific character that is overlapping and not all of the copies?

Thank so much in advance!

I remember dealing with this too! So from what I understand, you have a global function that every NPC calls, you should rather have a function in every NPC that gets called seperately.

any idea how to set that up?

After further inspecting your blueprint code, I suspect the issue being at that function you call right after the completed pin. Can you also send it’s contents?

Note: This thing actually shouldn’t require extra steps so we should check things you’ve set prior. Like are the variables you use in the instances global or do you make sure each of their respective hit boxes overlap?