Hello there! Basically, I have a building SM and destroyed building SM, surrounded by a trigger box. I am trying to make it so when the player ActorBeginsOverlap, they will be given the option to press a button (‘B’) and the building will then change from the original destroyed building to the normal building. However, I am having problems with it working.
When the ActorBeginOverlap event triggers, I am casting to the building BP, which will then turn a boolean to true. Once that boolean is true, the building’s SM will change from one to the other.
I’ve had no success researching and my main issue is that I cannot find the appropriate Object wildcard when casting. I also cannot seem to find the correct way to trigger the boolean otherwise.
What would my object wildcard be when casting to another blueprint with the purpose of switching a boolean to true which would then activate an event via an event tick branch in the building BP?
Is there a way to code all of this by placing the trigger box inside the building BP, avoiding needing to cast between the level BP and building BP? I tried placing the trigger box inside the BP, but couldn’t find a way to trigger an actor event overlap through the trigger box.
Having problems with screenshots at the moment, so hopefully I have explained myself thoroughly enough!
Thank you so much!