How do I cast to another UI widget?
UE4 compiler told me that if you get all widgets of class, you dont need to cast anymore, but it works both ways! Thank you!
I was casting to my user widget class that contained FoldUi but yes you don’t have to cast to if your getting a single class.
I’ve tried this and doesnt work in 4.19…I cannot do anything from my widget I am trying to cast to
It works. You are doing something wrong
THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN, you just saved me
You are welcome.
Thank you for this. I literally was stuck on this issue for 2 months until I figured out how to word the question.
You are welcome
Hi Folks,
I hope you’ll forgive me reviving an old convo but I’ve got a similar problem and this thread seems to be full of people who’ve solved it!
I’m trying to trigger an event in one user widget blueprint (SC3_etc_etc) when a button click happens in another user widget blueprint (IPJoinButton).
It all compiles without issue but I’ve put a bunch of Print Strings in so I know the cast from the button is failing.
Neither Blueprint is a child/parent to the other; I did try that but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.
There may well be a way to do this that doesn’t require the separate Button widget blueprint at all, since multiple instances of the Button widget are created into a uniform grid within SC3 at construct, but I’d quite like to get this working for future reference now that I’ve spent this long on it!
I’ve been looking at this for hours and I’m sure the solution is right in front of me but I just can’t see it and I have a migraine (…these two things may be related). Any help/advice would be much appreciated.