I have set up and event that detects when it hits the mob. After it hits the mob I want to cast to Behavior Tree Service So That I can run an event dispatcher that is located within the Behaviour Tree Service
What would the object be to allow this cast to succeed.
where is the BTS_StatsSwitcher located? Inside of your Mob? (:
I don’t actually think you can access these. You could get the Blackboard from the Mob you hit, but I never actually accessed a Service via this.
I think the thing you should do is via the Blackboard Key Values.
What ever value you want to change, either place it on the AI Controller and get it inside of the Service by using the References you get passed in the Service, so you just need to access the AI Controller and change the Value there.
Use the Blackboard Key Values and set them via the Blackboard that you can get from the Mob/AI Controller.
I would go for the AI Controller or Pawn/Character way and save the Data in one of them. Then get the Reference in the Service and do stuff based on it there.