I’m making a game with a character select that then takes you to play mode. Based on what character you select in the Character Select(CS) should determine who you play as in the game. Initially what I was using was a button press in the CS level that would load the main level of play. This was changed to OpenLevel as with LoadLevel the HUD would not change and there were issues with the player controller.
Player Select Screen
Player Select HUD Widget Blueprint 1
Player Select HUD Widget Blueprint 2
The issue I’m am having now that funny enough I didn’t have with using LoadLevel is getting the player spawned in the main level to be the one selected in the character select level. I’m under the impression it has something to do with the fact that the world settings of the main level are set to a specific character. I have had many problems switching levels due to differing world settings.
In short, using LoadLevel spawns the correct player character but the wrong HUD and OpenLevel spawns the wrong character and the right HUD. Any help is appreciated.