I have two blueprints. I need to call from the BALL to call the function SPHERE in the blueprinte ThirdPersonCharacter. I need this to find their positions and tie them to ThirdPersonCharacter. I do not know which team and how to call it
You have to get a reference to your other blueprint first.
There a several possibilities. The easiest one is to use the Node “Get All Actors from Class” which returns an array of blueprints in your level.
In order to cast to an actor like that, you need a reference to the specific actor that you want to communicate with. If you have an actor, say “actorblueprintA” and you have 10 copies of it in a level, all of the copies will technically have different names internally like actorblueprintA_001, _002, etc.
One quick and dirty way to get a reference is to run a “Get all actors of class” node, off the return of it, you’d put a “Get” node and just put an index of zero on it. That only works correctly if you have one actor of that class though.
But how do I associate Out Actors with the object