Right now I am using a Player Controller with my character to take in right-clicks for movement like a top-down game.
After right-clicking on a certain spot, I need to use a Player Controller to get the Hit Result from “Get Hit Result Under Cursor By Channel.” However, I am then trying to call “Move To Location or Actor” which requires an AI Controller. I used Simple Move to Location at first, but I was unable to access things like Acceptance Radius, pathfinding, and On Move Finished that “Move To Location or Actor” has.
I currently have my character’s “Auto Possess Player” disabled and set AI Controller Class to my AI Controller.
I read in the hierarchy here: RTS Movement and behaviors on UE4 - Melting Logic
that the Player Controller should only take in inputs and only have the AI Controller hooked up to the player, and that’s what it seems like I have. Yet when my Player Controller calls Get Player Character(0) → Get AIController → Move To Location or Actor, there is no movement. And my print statements show that it gets the Player Character fine, but fails at the Get AIController step.
I am new to Unreal and have already spent countless hours just trying to get movement working. Any help would be appreciated.