I have nodes that serve as parents for a chain of Spline Meshes. The nodes follow the previous node to create a chain-like behavior. I currently set the SplineMesh start position to be (0,0,0) and the end position is (SegmentDistance,0,0). This creates the image below.
I have the tangents setup as (SegmentDistance,0,0) to this picture below
The green lines are the direction (From CurrentPos To PreviousPos) + (From CurrentPos To NextPos). The blue lines are the right vector of that which is ideally what the tangents SHOULD be. I converted the right vector to local space and it seems to work when the segments are moved in the X,Y direction but once I add Z values the tangents freak out and aren’t pointing even close to what they need to be.
What is the correct way to do this?