How to Build Lighthing in streaming Levels?

Hello, i’m facing some issues when i build lighthing with streaming levels.

i readed on a website that i need to hide all my streaming levels but keep visible the one level that i want to build, when i did this, the level lights works perfect but the other levels all in some way dark.

i tried moving all the light sources to the persistent level an build the lights with all streaming levels visible, this worked fine but i’m afraid that when the map is too big/large i will get memory issues when i try to build the light.

What will be the correct method to build the lights using streaming levels ?

thanks in advance for all the help.

P.S.: i tried to search on the forums and google but i can’t find any good information about this topic.

Can you not keep the lights in the persistent, and only build some levels in a batch?

yes, i can move the light to each streaming level, but the last weekend after building the lights for the streaming level 2 and test the entire map i noticed that the streaming level 1 was dark.

what you mean with “only build some levels in a batch”?

I mean, put the lights in the persistent. Load levels 1-5, build. Unload those. Load levels 6-10, build. Etc.

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i will try that, thak you for your help @ClockworkOcean

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If each level has its own light, when it is rendered you will see the lights on the levels compete to see who compiles first. This will generate lights you don’t want.

Now if only one level has lights, the focus of the light does not always reach all the places and there will be darker parts.

The best solution that has occurred to me is with volumes. There are many types. Choose the one that best suits you.

For example:
Light Spread Volumes

Volumetric Lightmaps

If you only want to put the lights on the persistent level, remember that the others do not have to have light (hide it). So the level will look dark, because the light will be hidden, to partially show it, you can change the view with this:

Something like:
Level persistent[active lights with volumes]
-level_streaming[hidden lights] (When you enter this level you have to have Unlit to visualize or activate the lights of the level itself level_streaming partially)

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perfect, i will read this and try to apply to my map, thank you @Drakgoku