Hi guys,
I am building a small story game, and before I start, I am planning stuff out. In this case, how will I track how much further the player is in story and in interactions with the game world. The level is very small, and stuff gets unlocked progressively based on his gameplay, something like PT.
Now, here is the hurdle - i can ofc create bunch of nodes, ifs, branches, etc inside of gamestate or anywhere else really, but then i need to save it, which i am not sure how it works. Bunch of booleans? “PlayerHasUnlockedDoor2” is true, etc? Plus it can get very messy, very quick. I was taking a look on logic driver pro inside marketplace, but think I need more high level solution.
Is there somekind of framework for this? Or maybe example project from which I can get inspiration? Do i even make sense ?