How to brush image "field" ?

Hi all,
I’m quite new to UE 4.9.1 and I’m trying something: change the current image a UMG Userwidget is using.
I tried the script shown here but the image does not change.

The “print text” is executed but the image does not change

Am I missing something (I certainly do) ?
Can you help ?


From the image variable, call ‘Set Brush’.

Thanks for your reply.

Tried this :

Still no luck. What is really strange is that on that UMG.UserWidget blueprint when the blueprint is executed, I don’t see the execution debugging stream , nor can’t get the actual value of the variables.

Now clear that I’m missing something

Don’t set the brush to the ‘Struct Out’ value, try setting it just to a brush. Where are you calling this function?

Do you mean, like this ?

i tested this way an I still get nothing (just a white image displayed)

The SetInfoImage is called from a Level blue print:

The custome event is generated from this class blueprint.

I’m so frustrated right now. I can’t pintpoint what I’m doing wrong.

Thanks you for helping me so far.

What is the image variable that you are setting your brush to? Where are you setting the variable?