How to Boolean Different GeneratedDynamicMeshActors in Blueprint

I am attempting to create a generic cutting tool for geometry scripting. I want the cutting tool to perform some operation (e.g., subtractive boolean) on the overlapped actors.

For example, like this wonderful video here:

In my example, I have the cutter in red and the dynamic mesh to be cut in white.

The cutter code (not working) looks like this currently. This does find the object to be cut but the Boolean operation doesn’t seem to be doing anything.





I’ve tried a few different things than what is shown here but this is the current non-functioning version. Any insight as to how get this type of operation working?

Is the wall also a dynamic mesh actor?

@EliasWick Yes indeed! I believe that is a good thing…

Yes, that is a good thing! Did you end up solving it?

Nope. I have not. Ideas are appreciated :frowning:

The solution that is working, though not at all surprising, is if I send the cutout information (e.g., location and size) that collides with the base mesh and perform the Boolean within the base mesh itself then everything works. That’s not surprising as that is just normal processes.

However, it’d still be nice to know if there was a standalone means to do operations on another dynamic mesh without needing code within the base dynamic mesh.