How to Blend two animations together

Hey fellow devs,

I am looking to create an animation (*fbx) from two separate animations.

Anim 1: walking, so I need the lower body part of it
Anim 2: aiming, so I need the upper part of it.

So I know you can make an animation montage, but I need the animation as a stand alone animation to be used inside a blend space (for directional walking, so I need to make walk front left/ right etc while aiming too)

I searched the web and wasn’t able to find a solution.

I know you can make an animation composite and record it into a new animation too. But I need these two animations to be played at the same time, anim 1, aim, upper body + anim 2, walk, lower body.

Any advice would be highly appreciated! Thanks for your help!!!

Follow up question: using slots, where can I define them? Which bones are used and which not? I can easily add a new slot, but can’t find where to assign bones to it. Many thanks

How about this… …have not tried it…

  • make a blend space for the top
  • make a blend space for the bottom

Then do what this video does to bend these two together…

What do you think???

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You could go for either blend spaces or use layered animations .