How to BindUFunction to OnTimelineFloat Delegate in order to setup timeline handle function?

I am working on c++ sliding doors system. In my code i have UCurveFloat pointer which is used to store timeline curve.
Also I have FTimeline to manage timeline playback.
The problem is I don’t know how to bind my TrackTimeline() function to delegat, i know i need for that void BindUFunction( class UObject* InObject, const FName& InFunctionName ) but i don’t know how to pass function name.
When i put “TrackTimeline” it won’t work.
This is my code:

		AnimationTimeLine = new FTimeline();
		FOnTimelineFloat TrackTimelineDelegate;		
		FName *Name = new FName("TrackTimeline");
		TrackTimelineDelegate.BindUFunction(this, "TrackTimeline");

		AnimationTimeLine->AddInterpFloat(Timeline, TrackTimelineDelegate, *Name);

i got it working but the function is only called once.
hope it helps