How to bind text in a widget

In my game there is a time limit to each level, so I am creating a widget that shows how much time is remaining.

In my widget I made a border and a text box and made a binding to the text box, and this is current set up I have. It casts to my game mode to get the integer seconds and then turns it into text

The problem is that the text does not show up on my screen. I know that the seconds variable works because I have a print string testing it out and it counts down. And I know that the widget works because the border does show up, there is just no text.

What am I doing wrong?

You don’t have the output pin of the cast plugged into the return node Exec input in the picture.

omg i feel like such a fool, thank you, i was so sure i had done it right and had no idea what i could have messed up on

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