how to bind properly

I am trying to bind, my name and quantity variables for my master item… but I want to make sure this binding works for all items not just the master item how can I achieve this?

can you put more info? maybe a screenshot of your code?
is this a widget or a delegate ?

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It’s a widget… Basically my inventory widget populates with ItemWidgetSlots

this is how I have the binding so far and its not working

sorry i cant read those screenshots. they’re very low quality.

bindings posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

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text bind posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

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I uploaded them to blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine for better viewing…

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bindings look correct to me. what’s the issue you’re having?

Whenever I pick up an item the name is blank and the quantity is 0… I updated the item info in the master pickup item but still not showing the information

how do you update the item?
i’m not sure. have you tried not using a bind for that?

I figured it out. Had to pass the item info on my event construct in the ItemSlotWidget… Thanks for your help

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awesome! thanks for sharing the solution. :slight_smile: