How to bind an event to Audio Finished

I’ve tried several different things and none of them seem to want to work for me.

I don’t know if you can specifically bind to a sound ending ( I don’t think so ), but you can do this:

Wow, this actually posted? I had a bunch of other stuff typed in and it dumped me to some other screen. This forum is absurd, it logs me out every 5 seconds. I have to log in and quickly copy/paste everything I want to post before some invisible timer expires.

Anyway there is specifically an event called OnAudioFinished. I’d attach a screenshot but there’s now no attach button anywhere either.

I’m unable to get beyond what’s in the screenshot. I can create a function or a custom function, but cannot get it to attach/connect/whatever to the CreateEvent node. I need to send an “index” as a parameter to the function/event so the signature has to include that. I also can’t figure out how to edit the signature for that node. (Not even sure if it’s what I need.)

Also this is not in the main even graph, it is inside a function that spawns the sound (and takes care of other things) which is called from multiple locations.

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I know, it’s really irritating! ( HEY EPIC - ARE YOU READING THIS? )

How about this?

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Ok I finally got it to work. It was not allowing me to create a custom event from within the function. Instead I had to use a return param and put the “bind” node after the one that calls the function. Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

I also ran into this issue. The problem is that Auto Destroy is set to true in the Spawn Sound 2D node by default. The node will destroy the sound immediately after the sound finishes playing. As a result, the bound event cannot be called as the sound that is supposed to call it does not exist and hence can’t call it.

Uncheck the Auto Destroy option, and then destroy the sound manually in the bound event using the Stop node. :blush:

EDIT: Persist Across Level Transition must also be off.