How to bind a Pawn to an existing Mesh

Hey UE Community,

I’m creating a Dynamixyz Streaming Client for UE.

I receives from an extern server a list of bones and shape name, to animate in realtime a 3D Character face.
Unity example : Demo Unity

Previously, we extended a Pawn and use this piece of code to create a Map of bones or Morph, like a shortcut access to bones transformations.

struct SingleBoneController
	var int                     type;
	var SkelControlSingleBone   node;
	var MorphNodePose           morph;

var array<SingleBoneController>    sbControllers;

function InitSingleBoneControllers(array<int> types, array<string> names)
	local int index;
	local string str;

	sbControllers.Length = names.Length;
	foreach names(str, index)
		sbControllers[index].type = types[index];
		sbControllers[index].morph = none;
		sbControllers[index].node = none;

		//`log("[UPawn] controller type "$types[index]);

		switch (types[index])
		case 1: // blendshape type
			sbControllers[index].morph = MorphNodePose(Mesh.FindMorphNode(name(str)));
			if (sbControllers[index].morph == None)
				`log("[UPawn] morph FAILED");

		case 2: // joint type
			sbControllers[index].node = SkelControlSingleBone(Mesh.FindSkelControl(name(str)));
			if (sbControllers[index].node == None)
				`log("[UPawn] single bone FAILED");

Now with APawn Class, I can’t find search by name feature like Mesh.FindMorphNode(name(str)) and Mesh.FindSkelControl(name(str)).

In my new C++ version, I try to convert SingleBoneController like this but I’m not sure

struct FDxyzFacialController

	uint32						Type;//0 bone - 1 Morph

	FBoneReference				Bone;

	UMorphTarget*				Morph;


Any help will be greatly appreciated



So my binding looks like that, I’m still searching the final class to move a bone in unreal (don’t laught please)

#pragma once

#include "DxyzFacialController.generated.h"

struct FDxyzFacialController

	int32						Type;//0 bone / 1 Morph / -1 uninitialized

	USkeletalMeshComponent*		Parent;

	int32						BoneIndex;
	FBodyInstance				Body;

	FName						MorphName;

		Type(-1), Parent(nullptr), BoneIndex(-1), MorphName(""), Body()


my binding method , I would like to create a shortcut access :

	void HandleSocketXMLReceived()
		UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("HandleSocketXMLReceived: XML Received"));
		if (Client.IsValid())
			for (int i = 0; i < Client->ChannelList.Num(); ++i)
				FDxyzFacialController ctrl;
				bool found = false;
				if (Client->ChannelList[i].ClassName.ToLower() == "component")//mean bone
					ctrl.Type = 0;//Bone

					UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("searching : %s"), *(Client->ChannelList[i].Name));
					for (TObjectIterator<USkeletalMeshComponent> Itr; Itr && !found; ++Itr)

						UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Scan USkeletalMeshComponent: %s %s"), *(Itr->GetName()), *(Itr->GetFullName()));

						int32 BoneIndex = Itr->GetBoneIndex(FName(*(Client->ChannelList[i].Name)));// Will return INDEX_NONE if bone not found.
						FBodyInstance * Body = Itr->GetBodyInstance
						if (INDEX_NONE != BoneIndex)
							UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Found USkeletalMeshComponent: Bone Index %d"), BoneIndex);
							ctrl.Parent = (*Itr);
							ctrl.BoneIndex = BoneIndex;
							ctrl.Body = (*Body);
							found = true;

				else if (Client->ChannelList[i].ClassName.ToLower() == "blendshapetarget")//mean morph
					ctrl.Type = 1;//Morph
					int LastOpenBracketIndex = 0;
					if (!Client->ChannelList[i].Name.FindLastChar('[', LastOpenBracketIndex))
						UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Blendshape name parsing failed, can't find [ char in %s"), *( Client->ChannelList[i].Name));

					int LastCloseBracketIndex;
					if (!Client->ChannelList[i].Name.FindLastChar(']', LastCloseBracketIndex))
						UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Blendshape name parsing failed, can't find ] char in %s"), *(Client->ChannelList[i].Name));

					FString ParentMeshName = Client->ChannelList[i].Name.LeftChop(LastOpenBracketIndex);
					FString TargetName = Client->ChannelList[i].Name.RightChop(LastOpenBracketIndex).LeftChop(LastCloseBracketIndex);

					UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Scan searching : %s %s"), *(ParentMeshName), *(TargetName));

					for (TObjectIterator<USkeletalMeshComponent> Itr; Itr && !found; ++Itr)
						UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Scan USkeletalMeshComponent: %s"), *(Itr->GetName()));
						if (Itr->GetName().ToLower() == ParentMeshName.ToLower())
							UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Found USkeletalMeshComponent: %s"), *(Itr->GetName()));

							UMorphTarget* Morph = Itr->FindMorphTarget(FName(*TargetName));
							if (Morph != NULL)
								UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Found UMorphTarget: %s"), *(TargetName));

								ctrl.Parent = (*Itr);
								ctrl.MorphName = FName(*TargetName);

								found = true;
				if (ctrl.Type != -1)
					UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("Error Channel not found %s"), *(Client->ChannelList[i].Name));

and my frame received delegate :

	void HandleSocketFrameReceived()
		UE_LOG(DxyzLog, Log, TEXT("HandleSocketFrameReceived: Frame Received"));
		if (fControllers.Num() == 0)return;
		if (Client->ChannelList.Num() != fControllers.Num())return;
		if (Client->CoeffCount == 0)return;
		if (Client->CoeffBuffer == NULL)return;

		for (int i = 0; i < fControllers.Num(); i++)

			if (fControllers[i].Type == 0)//bone
				FVector RelativeLocation(Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex],
					Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 1],
					Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 2]);

				FRotator RelativeRotation(const FQuat(Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 3]//InX
					, Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 4]//InY
					, Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 5]//InZ
					, Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 6]//InA

				FVector RelativeScale3D(Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 7],
					Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 8],
					Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex + 9]);

				FTransform RelativeTransform(RelativeRotation, RelativeLocation, RelativeScale3D);

				const FBoneTransform BoneTransform(fControllers[i].BoneIndex, RelativeTransform);

				fControllers[i].Body.SetBodyTransform(RelativeTransform, true);

			else if (fControllers[i].Type == 1)//morph
				fControllers[i].Parent->SetMorphTarget(fControllers[i].MorphName, Client->CoeffBuffer[Client->ChannelList[i].CoeffBufferIndex]);


No movement at all