how to bind a custum event from a blueprint to press a specific key?

So i have a blueprint and a character, and i want to link the press of a button in the widget to have the effect of simullating a key press on the level blueprint, does anyone know how?

You could just create another custom event that when fired connects to the same node chain that the key press event is connected.

You’re already there. Just connect the node to the stuff you want to run…

i want to simulate the press of a “E” key

But when you simulate that, all that will happen is a group of nodes gets triggered. So you might as well just trigger the nodes, no?

I think what you trying to do is possible but only in C++, but generally it’s not needed

Simply make a function in character that single role is to receive key press of E, call it on press of E and simply call it here too. It makes not much difference. In proper game programing practice character should have set of functions that triggers actions and key binding should trigger them as it should let other code to trigger them.