I’m using the UE5-builtin Sky Atmosphere and BP_Sky_Sphere here. I want to up the bloom intensity substantially as soon as the sun comes into view, but otherwise keep normal low-key bloom intensity. So I’ll have to lerp it depending on whether the sun disc is visible on screen (partially or fully don’t matter), ie. both inside the cam frustum and not (fully) occluded.
There doesn’t seem to be anything immediately-obviously-useful-for-this in the SkyAtmosphere API so I’m wondering if anything has a neato hack come to mind for this… =)
Run a line-trace from your char to the sun each tick, or so, several, etc… I am guessing it’s much more likely you will bump into something if you start from the character vs the sun. But you might have to trace quite a distance, that part is up to you.
It is only one line-trace, but as I understand it, the length you trace does impact performance, but again, it’s only the one, so?
3-4 frames, IS noticeable, if you are paying attention, but otherwise that’s a nice little cushion to work within?