How to become a valuable developer?

What makes a valuable and unreplacable developer?
Which skills? Where to dig into?
Should I have experience in a lot of engines, 3d programs, be able to animate, model, texture, work with sound, photoshop. I am looking to become a cheap labor and I have a lot of useful skills

You wouldn’t necessarily want to spread yourself too thin across disciplines, but being able to learn quickly and adapt to new workflows/engines is definitely valuable given how tools are constantly evolving. =)

No, tools, frameworks and engines are not changing. And there are no frameworks, you consufe gamedev with web.
And being adaptive is trait from birth, the question is how to become valuable

Hmm, if you are talking about the game development industry > deep knowledge of maxscript will make your part of the team very valuable. Just being as Technical artist/Technical Director in a team is very valuable.The skill of thinking out of the box is very valuable too.

False, and false. I’ve been in the industry around a decade, and I’ve gone through multiple engine and framework transitions. Being able to adapt to this is a learnt skill, I don’t think anyone is capable of doing this gracefully without experiencing it at least once or twice.

Things can change over a decade, but compared to web, things do not change

I think you are forgetting that today the hardware and software is going a lot more faster than before. I have seen software that is mindblowing today so as ambeshee said, your opinion is false. (I am saying this in a positive tone :slight_smile: )

okay, unreal engine is live for 4 years. By your logic it should had been replaced 3 years ago with ue5

just comparing 2 numbers out of the blue isn’t going to make your statement valid again. Software development changed significantly with SaaS. Look at how UE4 evolved from 4.0 to 4.20.
You still have to adapt for that. And sometimes the changes ARE significant!