How to batch process??

I have a stationary rig of three cameras to take images during an experiment. I’m trying to find a way to batch process the workflow from alignment right through to exporting the 3D model as a .xyz file. The images are labelled ‘DSC0001, DSC0002 … DSC3600’, and I want to create a model for every set of three images (1200 models total). I know that Reality Capture can make models of sufficient quality from these three images as I have tested it, but I need to be able to automate this so I’m not doing it manually for four experiments (4800 models, 14,400 images). I have a set of ground control points that I used for referencing the test model I created, so I’m hoping to be able to use these to scale each model as the camera settings and positions don’t vary during each experiment.

If anyone could help with this I would be really grateful!!

Hello Volcanic_Panic
The good start point will be there: Also, this could be helpful:
To process still the same rig of images you can follow this tutorial: Coordinate System Preservation Using XMPs or GCPs | Tutorial
And to apply the batch process you can use the for cycle. In this threat you can find an inspiration how to set such script: Creating script to process RC for multiple folders in sequence - #11 by OndrejTrhan
I hope this will help you to start your process.

Thanks otrhan! I guess I’m struggling because I don’t really have any coding experience and so am finding the whole process very challenging. But I will check out the resources you linked and hopefully figure it out