How to balance motorcycle chaos vehicle (2 wheels)

Hi. I’m creating a game about motorbikes. I want to balance my motorcycle will not fall on the ground. I tried to lock constraints but I didn’t like the way that it worked. I want to make my bike lean at the corners. I looking for answer for a long time but I can’t find any. Please help. Do you have any ideas?

Hi Mak,

A couple of motorbike ideas are mentioned in this vid, but this is specifically for the context of Chaos vehicles.

Welcome to the Forums!

Hi. I tried this but it doesn’t work currectly. I changed center of mass and everything but when I increase the high of mass canter on Z axis its starts to fliping underground. I tried with any axis of center of mass but it didn’t work. I guess I did something wrong or maybe something is wrong in my blueprint. Do you have any idea?

Bummer, I’ve never set up a motorcycle myself, so I don’t have any more ideas to offer.

There are a few videos to be watched if you google “unreal engine chaos vehicles motorcycle” maybe these will show you something that you’re missing.

Also, if you have an empty project with just the motorcycle setup, it will output a very small .zip file if you go to File → Zip Project. This could be helpful in sharing your setup.

In case someone is still researching this topic, I have just published a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a motorcycle physics simulation with Chaos Vehicles:

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hi i tried your tutorial but the bike doesnt stabilis always falls to the ground. Any aidea?

Have you followed the tutorial exactly as is or did you use a different bike mesh, mass or anything else? Because depending on that you may need to adjust some of the parameters. Hard to tell exactly where without seeing your project. I suggest you follow the tutorial exactly as is first, then modify it to fit a different bike.

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how to make bike fall on ground if player not on bike ?

You need to remove torque control. I have to check whether it can be done via BP, for sure it can be done via C++.

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Hey!! if your bike is falling sideways when you take a turn it’s because of the center of mass, you need override it and lower it

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