I had been suffering for about a year because of this problem I already asked here [][1] until I played “rise of tomb raider” and I saw how it works there and I tried to implement a third person camera system like that.
now it works exactly like that :)))
then I decided to share my experience with you guys. I hope it helps somebody.
1- I have a character whose capsule’s height is 88 and capsule’s radius is 40.
2-his spring arm’s length is 300 and located like below.
3-I set camera scale to (x=0.1 y-0.1 z=0.1) to have a tiny camera :))
4-after I attached camera to spring arm I added a sphere collision to my character BP and set its radius to 200 and then from construction script I attached that sphere to camera.
5- on capsule component begin and end overlap
6- and finally this my look up and down logic which does the main part of our system
you will have a third person camera system exactly like “tomb raider” after doing these steps. and camera will never go through your character mesh