How to avoid repetitive code for static mesh and skeletal mesh components

I have a c++ class that contains both static mesh and skeletal mesh, as components. And I have blueprint instances deriving from this class. These blueprint instances could be either static mesh or skeletal mesh
My question is I am updating the material by writing same code for both static mesh and skeletal mesh which i think duplication, an object could be either static mesh or skeletal mesh when its spawned
Is there a way we can better handle it by making use of coding templates or some other way to avoid writing the same code twice

for (UStaticMeshComponent* sm : StaticMeshComponents)
		if (UMaterialInterface* DefaultMaterial = sm->GetMaterial(IndexOfMaterialToMakeDynamic))
			DynamicMaterialInstance = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(DefaultMaterial, this);
			sm->SetMaterial(IMaterialDynamic, DynamicMaterialInstance);

	for (USkeletalMeshComponent* sm : SkeletalMeshComponents)
		if (UMaterialInterface* DefaultMaterial = sm->GetMaterial(IndexOfMaterialToMakeDynamic))
			DynamicMaterialInstance = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(DefaultMaterial, this);
			sm->SetMaterial(MaterialDynamic, DynamicMaterialInstance);

You could use UMeshComponent from which both UStaticMeshComponent and USkeletalMeshComponent derive.

TSet<UMeshComponent*> MeshComponents;

if (StaticMeshComponents.Num())
    for (UStaticMeshComponent* sm : StaticMeshComponents)
    for (USkeletalMeshComponent* sm : SkeletalMeshComponents)

for (UMeshComponent* mc : MeshComponents)
	if (UMaterialInterface* DefaultMaterial = mc->GetMaterial(IndexOfMaterialToMakeDynamic))
		DynamicMaterialInstance = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(DefaultMaterial, this);
		mc->SetMaterial(IMaterialDynamic, DynamicMaterialInstance);

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