How to avoid edges on texture?

Hi, I have the following workflow:

  • 391 images, High overlap alignment all registered.
  • Reconstruction with normal quality -> Model with 10 parts, 11.2M tris
  • Simplify to 500K, 9 parts
  • Unwrap with following settings:


  • Texture with following results:


  • Export to .obj as singleton
  • Import to Blender. The result shows some edges on the texture where the parts are stitched together:


  • I also imported to Unity to double-check, with the same result:


How can I achieve a clean texture for my models?
Thanks for your input!

Hi fhernand

It is a BLENDER-related issue, how it handles MIPMAPS ( OpenGL 3D view ).

Are you using JPGs for texture export or PNGs?

Hi Wishgranter,

JPG, I will try with PNG then. Seems to be also Unity-related, as I imported the .obj from RC into Unity.

Just a short update, using PNG helped a lot, edges are almost gone now, but not entirely.

Hi fhernand,
I had once the same problem: I made an Action with Photoshop to extend the Edgepadding of the UV texturepads with one or two pixels with the pixelcolor of the edge.