How to avoid cylindrical rigidbody actors to jump like "popcorn" when colliding with others?

Problem (UE 5.1)

When dropping a cylindrical actor on top of other sleeping cylindrical actors, the ones that were on the ground sleeping start jumping around like pop-corn, pushing one another like crazy in a buggy mess.

For example, in this first video, you can see how the actor on the bottom starts jumping and bouncing like crazy when the other actor falls on top of it.

In the 2nd video, the actor on the ground starts “agonizing” when the other falls on top of it (seems like it’s having a spasm with his last breath before dying :man_shrugging:):


Actor with a cylindrical static mesh:


Simulate Physics with the following properties:


  1. How can I make the actors on the ground not jump around like that when colliding with falling cylinders? It’s ok if the actors also roll or move (expected), but the “popping corning” effect is very buggy and unrealistic.

  2. At the same time, they can’t be forever sleeping, because I am able to pickup any of them from the ground, so the ones that are on top for example, should fall when I pickup one that is at the bottom.

Solved by changing the collider shape to a regular cylinder.

It’s not ideal, because the mesh is not a perfect cylinder, so a part of it is outside of the collision shape, it looks a bit weird, but at least no “popping corning” anymore:

This was the collider previously, it was a bit slanted at the bottom to match the mesh’s deformation:

I tried every possible pilling up scenario and the issue does not happen anymore.