How to automatically update a set of level sequences based on actor transform?


I have been learning the level sequencer and created 3 simple level sequences that move from the transform of the cube at the top, to the transform of the three shapes below. The narrow cylinders represent the path of the camera in the sequences, just a direct movement from point to point. Now, the problem is that each of these sequences was hand made using the transform of the cube for the starting position and the transforms of the other shapes for the destination. If I decide to move the cube to a different location, all 3 sequences will need to be manually updated with the new transform of the cube. The project I am working on is going to have over a hundred of these sequences that transition the camera from one object transform to another.

How can I automatically update all 3 level sequences simply by moving the cube to another location? Also, if I move a destination node I need that sequence to update the destination transform automatically. This seems like it should be possible, I’m just still very new to working with the sequencer. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Use Attach Tracks to pick up and throw a banana in Sequencer. #UE5 #UnrealEngine #Animation - YouTube you try attach track?

Tried the attach track shown in the tutorial, I don’t think this is what I’m looking for. I was able to set the start transform by setting the When Finished property to Keep State, but the destination still needs to be set manually, which doesn’t happen until the sequence reaches the end leading to teleport movement, which is not what I need. See the screenshot below, I’m trying to set the start and end transforms automatically so I don’t need to update multiple sequences manually every time I want to change the start or end point.

Is there a way to automatically set the 0000 transform of the Mon_Camera to the Mon_Cube transform, and the 0500 transform of the Mon_Camera to the Mon_Sphere transform?

sequence director event, with tags and blueprint ?

I have tried going through the SequenceDirector to get access to the tracks, but have not been able to figure out how to get the camera sequence track itself which I assume holds the keys that I need to modify. I can get the transforms of the objects, so that is possible(see screenshot below) but idk how to get the keys I created as the beginning and destination of the camera track.

i would have just tried attach actor to actor after getting actor with tag

The Sequencer Scripting plugin was the magic sauce to what I was trying to do. Once that was installed and combined with the Editor Utility Widget all the pieces started to fall into place. I now have a dozen static nodes set up as start/end transforms for a bunch of sequences, and I set up a button in the editor which when pressed will update all the transform keys in every track of every sequence file with new transform data. No more manually editing sequences!

Take a look at this post by PiranhaSauce who makes use of the Sequencer Scripting plugin to access the keys.

Here is a screenshot of the main node chain I made to access the keys in my sequences. It’s similar to what PiranhaSauce demonstrated in his code snippet.

Also, prior to Unreal 4.27.2 this Sequencer Scripting plugin only works in editor, it is not for runtime operations.
In Unreal versions 4.27.2 and later, the Sequencer Scripting plugin works at runtime, but accessing channels is still development only, so it won’t be accessible in shipping builds.

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can it access the channels in a development build ? it seems to return empty