Heres the problem…
I followed some tutorials on and i was successfully to be able to only STICK the gun to the FirstPerson Character’s SK_Manequinn (Static mesh) But the real problem is that my gun is not moving around with my Character’s hand socket when i play the game it just stays there and not moving around with the character’s hand… How do i do it???
Open the firstperson PhAT file (it looks like a skeleton on a tan background) where you can edit the collission bodies for a skeletal mesh. Or open an animation for it and go to the skeleton tab (I think you can do it both ways)
Right click on a bone say Hand_R and click ‘Add Socket’ and then name it something like WeaponR. Save the file.
Go to your firstpersonCharacter blueprint and add a static mesh component, change it to your weapon mesh. Now parent it to your firstperson mesh (Mesh in the components list) by dragging it on-top of it.
Then select the weapon static mesh you added and changed to your weapon and in the details panel youll see an option for “Socket” type in your socketname (WeaponR for example) EXACTLY as its named.
Compile and saved. Now it will follow that bone.
Alternatively you can add to EventTick() an AttachComponentToSocket or AttachActorToSocket node or whatever its called, just search for socket. Again type in the socket name, and what you want to attach it to. This is useful when your weapon needs physics enabled.
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Thanks this answer is the best one so far