Hi there, I’m somewhat knowledgeable in the blueprinting field of UE4, however, I still lack the whole knowledge of knowing how to attach things to my character, which is the problem I am having now.
This is the blueprint to my axe weapon, a child actor to a default Item blueprint. I am not sure if this is how it should go, but I want it so that I can attach the axe to my character’s hand, (A.K.A the WeaponSocket Socket.)
This is my inventory that I have built from one of the youtubers that guided me through the process, as you can see, when I click on the axe icon, it does not seem to do anything other than just stay there without going into my character’s hand (which I would like to happen)
If there is any assistance anyone could give me, I’d be much appreciated! thank you!
Lol looks like we may have followed the same tutorial. I did go about differently since I am working multiplayer project. You’re going to want to attach to the character’s mesh not the actor itself. You would still use the attach actor to component but the actor will your axe and the component will be the character’s skeletal mesh.
Idk if if will help you but check out my post when I asked for help