How to attach armor with bones to character?

Hello there,

I have a Character which is a Skeletal Mesh, as it should be. I also have an Armor which is a Skeletal Mesh:

The Armor only consists of the bones which are needed for Armor rigging. A Skeletal Mesh of a Arm Armor doesn’t have leg bones f.e. My Question is: How can I attach the Armor to my Character? I would kind of need to add Sockets to both of them and connect one Socket to another or something similar. Is there any way to do this?

When you attach actors to a socket the attach point of the actor is always the origin point.

e.g. for clarity… Actor origin to skeletal socket.

So, Add a socket to the pawn mesh. Attach the armor to said socket. Use an Offset in the armor class to adjust it.