How to associate .uproject files in ue4

hi Game programmer please i want to popen your project finished but i don’t no is not open on windows

Had this same problem, with a source-built engine… I had to do two things:

  1. Run UnrealVersionSelector on it’s own, this will ask if you want to make that an engine directory. Say yes.
  2. Open Epic Games Launcher, and when it asks to associate project files say yes.

Try this:

  1. Open .uproject and associate it (check “always use this app…”) with anything but UE4, e.g. a notepad.
  2. Run Epic Games Launcher, it asks to fix the .uproject file association.

If it helps, mark as answer please.

This worked for me:

Copy UnrealVersionSelector.exe from

C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64

and paste it to
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Binaries\Win64

Then, select UnrealVersionSelector.exe , right click and run as administrator. Click ok

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I never had this issue before up until now and this worked great! Thank you ZimaXXX

This is very fool proof, I have been a fool for a while but this fixes at least not having visual studio solution and projects.

The following suggested fixes have not worked for me:

  1. Epic Game Launcher’s Project File association fix request
  2. The above youtube video which copies the UnrealVersionSelector.exe from Launcher Binaries into Engine binaries.
  3. Looking into the Registry Editor into Unreal.ProjectFile and checking if that was setup correctly. (it was setup correctly)

HOWEVER, I instead went back into the registry editor and looked through KEY_CLASSES_ROOT > .uproject and noticed that the registry was set to “Unreal Auto File” or something.
Changing it to Unreal.ProjectFile and then going to my unreal project file, right-clicking it, and always opening it with the new Unreal Engine program resulted in having the context menu reappear.
Here’s the RegEdit screen shot:
And the open with:

Eight years later and this is still a problem. Thanks for the solution.

Just to update this thread, I built 5.3.1 from source on Windows 11 and as LouDilbert suggested, running the following command as administrator worked for me:

UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealVersionSelector.exe /fileassociations

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