I had submitted my asset yesterday. Today they sent this mail ‘In order for me to review your pack it must contain a UE4 project file along with a config and content folder
Once you have changed this and updated your download link please let me know so I can review your pack’
Now how can I associate the .uprojet file? Can I do this with ‘Visual Studio’?
Your whole Project folder does not contain any files related to the Engine. Get everything you want to submit (or migrate into a fresh Project). Make sure everything works fine in the Editor and you can do a Package Build. If everything works and runs in a Standalone Build its pretty safe to Zip your project up and Submit it. The best way todo so is via File → Package Project → Zip Up Project. That makes sure all unecessary Stuff gets stripped off and can be recreated by other UE4 users. Btw you have to redo this Process for each major Engine Version if you want to keep it on the Marketplace.
Thats about it. Good luck =)