How to Assign Events to Keyframes in Sequencer Using Blueprints

I am using Unreal Engine 5.3.

I want to assign events to keyframes in Sequencer using Blueprints.

I was able to create event tracks and keyframes using Blueprints by referring to the article linked below and the Python script included in the article.

However, I don’t know how to assign events to those keyframes.

Sequencer Scripting Foundations

Double clicking an event keyframe in will create a new event for that in the Director Blueprint.

Alternatively, you can right-click the keyframe, and use “Enpoint” in properties to bind to an existing event.

See Event Track docs

Thank you for your response.
I believe the method you provided is correct for manual assignment in the editor.
However, what I want to do is to dynamically assign events to BP only at runtime.
How can I do this?

Have you solved the problem,I also face the same problem too.

Then you must use Event Dispatchers.

[Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial (BP) - Communicating between widgets and blueprints with Event Dispatchers - YouTube](