How to assign actor instance to c++ object?


I know you can have actor variable in blueprints and then using drop down menu you can assign actors from scene to it. Is it possible to do the same for c++ variable? Something like this:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
		AActor* _Actor;

And then use editor to assign actor? I know you can use iterators, but is it possible to do through editor?

Yes, exactly like that. Did you not try it?

I actually have StaticMeshActor in the scene and it would not allow me to select it. It does appear in drop down list, but when i click it, it does not change

Interesting thing is, if I make a blueprint out of staticmeshactor it makes it possible to select then

I’m not sure what you mean by your second comment. However, it is expected that you cannot select an actor from the level into a property on your blueprint. This is because your blueprint is a specification, not an instance. Your blueprint cannot assume the existence of a particular level, because it exists as a standalone entity which should be usable in any level. I believe if you drop an instance of your class into the scene, and then try to set the property on the instance defaults to some other actor in the same level, it should then work.