How to apply Timeline to multiple Actors at the same time?

I have a timeline to do a Set Actor location & rotation animation. I wanted to apply that animation to several Actors in an Array to be played at the same time.

I tried using For Each Loop in Actor’s Array and perform Set Actor Location/Rotation for each actor but apparently it only plays the animation for the last index Actor.

Is there another way to approach this?

Hi there
This video shows how to setup spline for multiple actors. You need a start offset otherwise all actors will move on top of each other.

Hope that helps.

You can use a for each loop, but you have to store the start and end points of the location and rotation in arrays and use them each time around the loop.

Hi L.F.A. ,actually my multiple actors were actually blueprint generated rather than being placed on the level if I followed the tutorial. But thanks for sharing anyway

Hi ClockworkOcean, yes I’ve already stored location & rotation in an array as well but it still only animates the last index actor. The other actors in the array, were relocated & rotated as well but they were not animated

Below here is my blueprint which shows the For Each Loop, Timeline and Set Actor Location/Rotation

I see your problem ( 2 actually ).

  1. The loop goes on the right of the timeline

  2. You’re sampling position during a timeline ( it’s like trying to score a goal when the post are moving )


That also won’t work. I’ll post something in a minute…

Like this


Placing For Each Loop after the Timeline node did the trick, Thanks again ClockworkOcean! :smile: