My work flow might be kinda weird but here’s my case.
So I find modeling shapes using Unreal Engine wasn’t that handy, and I haven’t started to study anything about blender yet. But I am using Shapr3D for modeling stuff and export it as obj file.
And here is my question, When I imported the obj model that I modeled using Shapr3D, I couldn’t apply the texture to only one face of the object. I found the object was imported as one entire object with no distinguishable faces. Is there any way I can apply texture to partially instead of entirely ? Or any other suggestion that I can work this out?
Thanks in advance!
So I don’t know ANYTHING about Shapr3D, I’ve never even heard of it. But I know Unreal! So maybe we can bridge this gap.
Firstly, try to export it as .fbx if that’s an option. It plays nicest! That alone might be the issue.
Secondly, if there aren’t separate material channels in the model in your modeling software, there won’t be in Unreal, either, and they can’t be added easily from within Unreal. Try to add those from within Shapr3D, and re-export as .fbx.
Try to look at those options and get back to us! We’ll get this figured out, I’m sure of it.
However, you can make RGB mask texture. Ie. paint part of mesh red, another part blue etc.
Then make material that combines textures based on that RGB mask.
Or if your meshes as suffcient high poly, you can use vertex paint. And do material that blends using vertex colors.