How to apply Find Look at Rotation to a Character's Child?

[14:45, 20/9/2020] ¿?: Hi, this is the panorama:
I have a Character with a FPS Camera that draws a LineTrace in the forward directon, then it Break Hit the result and plug in the Location to the Find Look At Location Target, so far everything is quite simple, then it comes the fun, I want a child of the FPS Camera to look at the Hit Location so I Get Relative Transform of the child and plug it to the Find Look At Location Start, then I set the RInterp To with the Return Value Rotation of the Relative Transform as the current and the Find Look at Rotation output as the Target, finally I plug it as a New Rotation at the Set Relative Rotation function but it responds with weird rotations.

To illustrate it furthermore, a screenshot of the blueprint and a video of how it responds:

[link text][2]

But then, if I unplug the Target at the RInterpTo it behaves correctly:
[link text][3]

Any thougts on what is happening or what direction should I go for?

Absolutely correct! Thank you so much!! <3 <3

I think it’s because FindLookAtRotation is world based and the rest of your code is relative.

Try making everything world based.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: