How to Animate a Crowd and Render it in Level Sequencer?

I need to animate a large dancing crowd and need to render it in level sequencer. What is the best way to do it without the need of adding every single character and applying animation to it? Is there a way to make it using Niagara or through Blueprint, or elsehow?

Hello, I recommend that you learn more about city sample crowd in UE5 launcher. Otherwise, I don’t know sorry

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Large crowds are done with a material shader.
You can move/animate 3d models just fine with it, but its complicated.
You probably jeed to learn and use Pivot Painter.

will try, thanks

thanks for answering. is there any specific tutorial you can send please?

Nothing decent of the top of my head, but the content examples have a pivot painter tree and some documentation you can probably refer to…

Eventually I used this tutorial
Crowd is working and renders inside level sequencer, but it works only in 5.1
I hope to see more updates on the AnimToTexture plugin

Once your texture files are made/saved, they should really work anywhere or on any version of any engine.

If they really don’t, then something is messing with your object’s vertex order/count, like nanite maybe.

Could be some other issue, but at a base level its a texture which governs the vertex positions over time - this works thoughout all engine version as a basice functionality (or this forum would be flodded with reports).

Ps: not the best video to follow.
I think using material layers is a horrible idea overall - and can probably be the issue for things not working past 5.1 too.

The stepping of the animation is a result of how the material in use is parsing time, but we never get to see that part of the shader.

Again, going back to the content examples and understanding how things work would help you (and the guy in the video) fix things.

“not the best video to follow”, maybe, but I didn’t find any better or at least ANY other relevant tutorial on the AnimToTexture plugin. This topic is clearly not disclosed, it should have more documentation and tutorials

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I agree, but its a baseline animation / shader thing, not an engine specific thing.

That means you can look for some way better resources than unreal would ever be able to produce.

PivotPainter for one, is a plugin (made by epic I think) to 3dMax.

Gave this a 30second tap though

It seems like it would teach you how things are supposed to work in practical detail.

Remember that when you import a mesh, unreal messes with it if it isnt engine ready (triangulated), and you don’t want that on stuff that will rely on vertex index being what you saved the texture for.
So probably triangulate the mesh before peoducing the textures(s) and exporting.

Happy fishing.

thanks a lot for the help friend, there is a lot to learn for me

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